Keri Hilson Rocks POSH @ Soul Train Music Awards…
Just when I think I cannot possibly be excited to see my products pop up someplace, it happens again! And yes, I am still excited!

I met Keri Hilson at the BET awards a few months ago. She said all my designs were really pretty and she'd love to have one. She did confess that she wasn't really the girly girl type. But I assured her, many PoshLifeBling clients are not. Some just want a simple, pretty, solid crystal case- which is more of an indicator for the lover of Classics personality type. I call those my Upper East Siders 7 park Avenue Princesses. And then there my Jersey Girls- who can only be described as "Jersey-Vicious", and for them, the bigger, the better. The same can be said for my favorite Texans! The great thing about PoshLifeBling, is that all work is custom designed to fit each and every personality. Ms. Keri was more cool and laid back, and really just wanted something in our simpler line of product offerings. Although I wasn't convinced she would be all about her bling, sparkly new phone.
To my surprise and delight, she must've found a special love for her new cover. Because just a few months after we met and designed for her, we spotted her at the Soul Train Music Awards, reading from her new PoshLifeBling Blackberry while accepting several awards. Welcome to the world of the girly girl Ms. Keri. We are glad to have you on board!
XO, PoshTori