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Did You Know...?

PoshLifeBling began back in 2002, before there was anything known as “Crystal Faceplates for cell phones.” In Fact, There were no cell phone faceplates AT ALL! The only way you could have your cell phones iced out, was to actually mail it in to the one company offering crystalizing at the time, NYC Peach, no longer in operation. This was around the inception of ebay, and the whole idea of ecommerce sales was relatively new. I remember thinking to myself, ”why would anyone want to mail out their cell phone to anyone?” who is that someone I'm mailing it to?” And most importantly…”what the heck am I to do for a week without my cell phone!?”

With that, I ordered my very first set of crystals, and began practicing designing on original phone housings (which could only be removed by screwing and unscrewing the front and back plates off of your phone). I began selling them on ebay, and before you knew it, my housings were a hit!

In addition to the housings, I would sell completely crystal encrusted Motorola Razr phones for sale, for those who just wanted to buy the phone with the design already on it.

Within a year, the very first cell phone cases, or "faceplates" came on the market (I like to think I had something to do with that ).

The sales were coming in so quickly, I decided to build my first website…and was in business!

Before you knew it, I was mailing blinged out phone covers to every single part of the world; from Malaysia to the UK, Canada, and even Japan and Zurich! With my ever evolving designs, PoshLifeBling has literally changed the way the world converses…one beautiful blinged out cell phone at a time!

In time, PoshLifeBling began offering all types of services. Those would include adding crystals to home products like our customized cookie jars and oversized wall mirrors, to custom shoes , clutches, and starbucks cups! Many of our clients want their phones to be designed directly. But most love the convenience of removable cases that can easily be snapped on and off for convenience. Perhaps your Rock n Roll, blinged out cell phone does not exactly fit in with your job as an Elementary School Teacher. Or your conservative boss isn't interested in you pulling out your pink, Barbie Glam phone in the daily board meetings. Just pop it off, toss it in the drawer, and snap it back on after your workday is over.

And with our Lifetime Warranty, many of our regular clients have purchased as many as 30

cases each over the years, knowing that at any time they can send their phone case in for touch ups or repairs. If you have ever shopped with PoshLifeBling, chances are…you still do! Now you know a bit of the history behind what and why we do what we do! As always, THANK YOU for being loyal Posh Life clients, and for the immense love you have given me personally over the years! This journey has been filled with exciting opportunities, wonderful client relationships...and LOTS of Bling Bling!

~XO, PoshTori

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