Lights, Camera, Action!

As a business owner, I create two types of product. One that is out of pure luxury & want. The other is to fulfill a need. As a brand influencer,
it's important to have the best equipment to take images & videos. I also want to offer the best product, that is the most useful and affordable for the newbies & pros alike! Our new selfie stick fits right into that group. I have tried many different selfie stick, various lights, with remotes, etc.
Because I love pretty, stylish things, it had to look good too. But there was nothing that fit all of the characteristics I wanted. Also, I had the toughest time finding one that works for my iPhone 7 Plus, which many of you know does not have the auxiliary cord plug. So I decided, why not get with my team and create one!

Our new selfie stick set includes all of the must-have features that others do not.
1. Secure grip for your phone.
2. Stylish, sleek appearance.
3. Hand grip so it does not slip.
4. Very cool, attached lighting.
5. Easy bluetooth connectivity.
6. An easy to reach camera click. (I kept losing my remotes!)
7. A cool carrying case.
8. A mirror to check the look.

It has all you need to create great content from anywhere! I'm so proud of this product. It is a true representation of my brand. It's useful, and
affordable! Be sure to check out our various product line and get the one that best suits your need!
From one influencer to another, get your glam on!