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Show Us Your Sparkles

When I initially began writing a blog and revealing my designs daily via Twitter and Instagram, there was one thing I knew for sure: beyond sharing my custom embellishment inspirations and inspirational content, I wanted to create

something truly sparkling.Month after month, I make a definite effort to think about just what that means. Sparkle is far beyond crystal cell phones & accessories; it’s a true, life philosophy that I live daily, based on joy and positive energy. It is a fundamental part of the PoshLifeBling vocabulary. The Foundation of what this company represents.

In honor of the all the PoshLifeBling followers & especially clients who stay connected to me & who continue to inspire me, I wanted to give you the opportunity to show me your most sparkling selves.

It couldn’t be easier: all you have to do is capture your very own sparkling moment on Instagram and/or Twitter, using the hashtag #MyPoshBling , follow me (so I receive the notification) and tag the photo @poshlifebling

The top 5 Posts will receive one of our Sparkly, Crystal

Embellished Crystal Lipstick Pens as a Gift I look forward to connecting to your moments, as you do with mine… XX Tori

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