PoshLifeBride “Dream of Bling” Wedding Bridal Contest Giveaway
It’s Here! The #PoshBride Fall Giveaway Contest. It’s nearing Fall, and that’s another big Wedding season here at PoshLifeBling. It’s easy to enter, and even better…it’s Free! Up for grabs: Our Newly launched, PoshLifeBride Custom Handmade Swarovski Crystal cuff bracelets.
1. Follow PoshLifeBling on Pinterest. Please be sure to follow the“PoshLifeBride Dream of Bling” contest board, so that we know you’ve officially entered :).
2. Create your “PoshLifeBride Dream of Bling Contest” board.
Select “+Add” then “Create a Board” at the top-right hand corner of your Pinterest page.
Make sure to name your board! Boards without the “PoshLifeBride Dream of Bling Contest” title will not be eligible.
3. Fill your pinboard with inspiring bling photos.
Add photos that convey your wedding style to the pinboard. You can ONLY use images from http://www.poshlifebling.com, http://www.poshlifebride.com, and PoshLife Bling’s Pinterest Page for your Bling pin inspirations.
Download the “Pin It” button to pin photos straight from http://www.poshlifebride.com, or just click the “repin” button if you want to use an image from our Pinterest account.
Need some suggestions? You can “pin” the ring of your dreams, your color palette, favorite PoshLifeBride crystal flower bling bouquet holders, love quotes & inspiration, or any wedding detail you can’t live without!
Check out the example Pinterest board that I’ve created for you…
4. Your Pinterest board MUST include:
A photo or video of you and your fiancé
The official contest photo (pictured above)
Images pinned from the PoshLifeBride & PoshLifeBling website.
The chosen bride will be revealed on October 1, 2015 on our Blog, as well as Twitter & Facebook pages. Best of Luck! And Happy Pinning!!